Forum / Tomorrow

  • Wince_cover2.thumb
    Barry Basden
    Jun 14, 01:00am

    Something has happened with this story. I have no clue but in the last couple of days the view count has jumped to 1050, way more than anything else I've posted.


  • Rebel.thumb
    Sally Houtman
    Jun 14, 01:45am

    It's just gone up by one more.

    That was me.

    (It's likely that someone's found it and liked it and has 'told their friends' so to speak. Linked to it through various means. I'm not social media savvy, but hear that sort of thing does happen.)

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    Matthew Robinson
    Jun 14, 01:47am

    Sweet, dude!

  • Rebel.thumb
    Sally Houtman
    Jun 14, 01:57am

    I think it was Matt Robinson.

    He told me he has, like, 1050 friends.

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    Matthew Robinson
    Jun 14, 02:04am

    It's 5001, actually.

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    Sally Houtman
    Jun 14, 02:07am

    I wasn't counting the imaginary ones.

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    Matthew Robinson
    Jun 14, 02:23am

    I was...

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    Susan Gibb
    Jun 14, 07:15pm

    Since it's been posted for a couple of years, (and you're such a good writer!) I'm not at all surprised. Often the new members will search out and read more from a writer they like.

  • Frankie Saxx
    Jun 17, 10:12am

    Barry: So cool. I wonder where the hits are coming from.

    Matt: It's okay to include imaginary people in your friend count as long as they each have their own Twitter.

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