Forum / AwkWord Papercut June Issue is live

  • Night_chorus_book_cover.thumb
    Joani Reese
    Jun 04, 12:34am

    I am delighted to have teamed up with the talented Michael Dickes who created a video accompaniment for the audio version of my poem "Evanescence," a poem that first appeared in the Mad Hatters' Review Blog, thanks to Marc Vincenz. The new issue of AwkWord Papercut is now LIVE!

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    Sally Houtman
    Jun 04, 01:36am

    The highly visual nature of the site makes it difficult for me to fully appreciate. But I love what he's doing and he has my full support and respect.

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    Susan Gibb
    Jun 04, 01:39am

    Oh wow--gotta check it out. Love that he's doing this and how it expands writing. I've been looking for a guitar player/composer for a hypertext I did that I'd like to send out to them for consideration some time.

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