Forum / Indy mag, dog theme!

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    kate hill cantrill
    Apr 07, 04:21am

    Hi there, folks! I've been quiet from here, but still reading and enjoying the talent, just not responding lately. I'm not one who can handle the politics of the favs and the comments and the other stuff, but I still admire this place and the great writing I am able to happen upon here.

    When I first came here it was not a place for critique but a place to re-show already published work, and it's great and fine that it's evolved to what people want it to be and I hope all the kinks get worked out, but since I wasn't looking for a critique group so much I have been sort of silent. I do, however, totally respect the energy and life and love of Fictionauters for words and so I do come here for a boost sometimes and for that I want to say thank you for sharing your work and your ideas everyday. Even when squabbles happen-you make me laugh at times.

    Anyway, 2 things: 1) I want to repost that I am still open to NYC readers for my salon series (Rabbit Tales Reading and Performance Series (( rabbittalesdumbo at gmail-- just send an email of interest and not a sample but perhaps a theme and maybe any multi media you might want to incorporate--video, song, dance, bubbles...))... and also that I'm super excited to be a part of this indy mag this month and wanted to share it with you because it was a story well-received here and it's about dogs and I know a lot of you dig dogs and dig indy publishers. This is a great publication! Yippee yay yay!: (p.28!)

    Happy Poetry Month to all! May they all be so GD poetic. Kate

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    Joani Reese
    Apr 08, 12:29am

    Congrats, Kate. I would like to come play at Rabbit Tales someday, but I can't blow a bubble to save my life. Happy Poetry Month to you, too.

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    kate hill cantrill
    Apr 08, 01:09am

    Thanks, Joani! And you don't have to blow bubbles. I'd love for you to read for RTales! I love what I've read of your words. I just open it up for people to project images behind them that inspired their poetry/prose, or play music, or whatever, but straight reading is fine, too--it's just about welcoming all of the arts and shunning all pretentiousness, (but I don't think you have the latter in you anyway). Be in touch when you are going to be in the area and we'll see if we can work out the timing!

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    Robert Vaughan
    Apr 08, 01:23am

    Kate, you and I have chatted about my interest in reading at the RT cool events you throw, and if Joani is in the house, well then, count me in (at the same reading?) In fact, why not just host a cool event that throws the shizzle of the dizzles together? LET'S DO IT!!!

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    kate hill cantrill
    Apr 08, 01:49am

    I'm all about that, RV! 2nd Thursday of every other month. April 11th is the next one (this week). Let's plan something for yinz in the near future--you two discuss. I never have more than 2 readers-- the other 2 presenters are visual artists, puppeteers, singer/songwriters, improv artists, film artists, etc., so you two would be the lit crew. I see some sparkles happening! woot!

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    Sam Rasnake
    Apr 08, 02:49am

    Congratulations, Kate.

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