Forum / poem poem poem poem poem poem poem poem poem a day!

  • Jane.thumb
    Jane Flett
    Apr 01, 08:53am

    It's April, a.k.a. national poetry month a.k.a the month where I try to write a poem every day.

    Who is with me?

    I will be posting them here:


  • Photo%2015.thumb
    Gary Hardaway
    Apr 01, 01:34pm

    Ambitious, Jane, and a pledge I hope you most devoutly keep.

  • Mosaic_man_marcus.thumb
    Marcus Speh
    Apr 01, 02:00pm

    i'm strangely tempted though i don't do poetry. perhaps that's the reason. if i can come up with something today i will post at "B(o)lloggs", my secret hideaway deep in the Cotswolds: — and if i can do it today i can do it every day, right?

  • Mrsoftee1.thumb
    Jim V
    Apr 01, 02:06pm

    I write a poem a day all year long.

  • Jane.thumb
    Jane Flett
    Apr 01, 02:59pm

    Gary, devoutly is the right word for it. This will be the fourth year I've done this and it is my favourite thing to put my brain in a good place for the year.

    Marcus: yes, do it do it, tumblr it all!

    And wow James, that's impressive. Maybe you can do two a day for April...

  • Mrsoftee1.thumb
    Jim V
    Apr 01, 03:10pm

    Nah, one a day (most days, anyway) is enough. 300+ poems in a year is plenty. There are stories and novels to write as well.

  • Dsc_7543.thumb
    Gloria Garfunkel
    Apr 01, 06:09pm

    I write a flash fiction every day all year long. Most lately have been posted here and my blog I am not a poet though I've tried, but I think some of my microfiction borders on prose poetry. So I don't know if that means I join you Jane or not.

  • 0001_pabst_blue_ribbon_time.thumb
    Apr 01, 09:20pm

    I've written
    14,000 poems a day
    for the last

  • Night_chorus_book_cover.thumb
    Joani Reese
    Apr 01, 11:53pm

    Well, I write about twenty-five poems a year, if I'm lucky. I admire and salute you all. Have at it.

  • Image.thumb
    Charlotte Hamrick
    Apr 02, 02:44am

    I tried NaPoMo last year but dropped out. There's no way I can write a poem a day - just can't do it. Inspiration doesn't come easy for me, unfortunately.
    Kudos to you, Jane! I'll be reading.

  • Mrsoftee1.thumb
    Jim V
    Apr 02, 03:49am

    Inspiration doesn't come easy for me, either. I work hard at it.

  • Jane.thumb
    Jane Flett
    Apr 02, 03:10pm

    Gloria, whack in some line breaks?

    Thanks Charlotte and Joani, I suspect they will be highly variable but a lot of fun to make up!

  • Frankenstein-painting_brenda-kato.thumb
    Sam Rasnake
    Apr 02, 03:30pm

    I'll be reading your works, Jane. Eagerly.

  • Frankie Saxx
    Apr 02, 04:09pm

    You and Tumblr both, Crime Dawg.

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