Forum / posting a pretty picture...

  • Dsc_0162.thumb
    Michelle Elvy
    May 05, 08:38pm

    Silly question, but I want to upload a picture for the new Group, 52|250. It looks so forlorn with that ugly grey box. I'm sure it's easy; can someone please point me to the right place? Very grateful.

  • 3a.thumb
    Walter Bjorkman
    May 05, 08:45pm

    Go to your group
    click "Edit Group"

    Bottom you will see "ICON"

    that's where (need really big glasses?)

  • Dsc_0162.thumb
    Michelle Elvy
    May 05, 09:02pm

    Yes, Indeed! REALLY big glasses needed, I ain't no spring chicken, you know. Thanks, WB.

    Now if only I could get to MY group, and not go snooping in Snopes' stuff.

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