Forum / Where do you reply to a post on your wall?

  • With_ted_3.thumb
    Bill Yarrow
    May 04, 09:13pm

    When people post a comment on your wall, do you reply on your wall or do you click on their names and write on their wall?



  • 2161777446_a91102ea45.thumb
    Matt Dennison
    May 04, 09:22pm


  • Martha-williams.thumb
    Martha Williams
    May 04, 09:25pm

    ...or you can click on the little envelopes at the top of the page (next to 'stories') and send them a private message.

  • With_ted_3.thumb
    Bill Yarrow
    May 04, 09:32pm

    Whoops! Been doing it all wrong!


  • 2161777446_a91102ea45.thumb
    Matt Dennison
    May 04, 11:58pm

    Tighten up, son...

  • 3a.thumb
    Walter Bjorkman
    May 05, 08:21am

    I can go either way, depending - though it is a bit self absorbed to rely on someone else coming back to your work. Sometimes I will incorporate it (short thanks) if I am commenting on their post and haven't done so as yet.

    In the private workshops, reply on the posts, as that is what they are there for, with writers checking regularly for suggestions/critiques.

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