MESS is my newest self-published book. A few years ago I published a nonlinear novella entitled Thick Lazy Tongue, which I later deleted from my lulu storefront. MESS contains the best prose from Thick Lazy Tongue, new prose (some of which I have posted here) and a few poems. Here is the link:
Is this a short story collection?
I say this with only the best intentions. Your book blurb makes it look like we would be purchasing an unfinished work.
Not sure how my blurb makes MESS look like an unfinished work. It is a complete collection of prose and poetry, thoroughly proofread and edited.
p.s. didn't want to start a new thread so I'm announcing my latest chapbook here...
Nice. I wil have to check them out. Are they ebooks?
No, they're old school books, the kind you can touch and inhale. MESS is self-published, full-length, prose and poetry. Amateur is on Graffiti Kolkata. 28 pages of my poetry.
I have not tried ordering print books from Lulu. I'll have to check out their shipping. I don't know why, sometimes shipping a paper book costs more than the book. Some of the small presses its moot because they can't figure out how to take international credit cards. Went back and forth with one for like two weeks before I finally gave up. (Trying repeatedly every time they made a change. Which was extra fun because the transactions would go through halfway and put a hold on the funds and I had to wait ten days for it to expire.)
I've bought books at amazon for literally a penny but shipping is always at least three bucks. Pretty sure lulu rapes ya with the shipping. I can't even afford my own books because of the shipping.
That sucks. There's really no reason for it either. I always check because they ship free worldwide.
I checked, they sometimes sell Lulu titles. They say they can get Nova's Gone Potty and Sloppy Mouth, but they add around 20 USD to the price. Ugh.
Those corporate ass munches. Disgusting!
I need to get a real credit card, buy a fuckload of my books and just give them away! I want my books out there! In the world! Where I am not!
I want to learn how to bind books so I can just make my own from the ebooks I like best.
I'd like to learn how to do that, too.