Forum / Looking for a Few Great...

  • Linda.thumb
    Linda Simoni-Wastila
    Sep 20, 02:58pm

    Stories. Send me your fiction -- 1001 words or over. Got a story 1000 words or less? Go talk to Robert Vaughan, my partner in crime @ JMWW.

    Editors. I've been promoted to Senior Fiction Editor and need a few like-minded folks with exceedingly high standards to join the JMWW fiction team. F-mail me if interested--it's the best job you'll never get paid for!

    Where's all this craziness happening? Check out the Spring 2012 issue to get a sense of our aesthetic. Summer coming out any day now:

    Looking forward to receiving some fabulous fiction from my fellow fictionauters. Peace...

  • Linda.thumb
    Linda Simoni-Wastila
    Sep 20, 03:21pm

    To clarify: Send fiction to JMWW via Submittable. Guidelines Here==> .

    If you want to join the JMWW team, email me.

    Too much coffee. Peace...

  • Frankenstein-painting_brenda-kato.thumb
    Sam Rasnake
    Sep 20, 06:25pm

    Congratulations, Linda, on the promotion to Senior Ed. I wish you well.

  • Atim.thumb
    Penny Goring
    Sep 21, 08:04am

    Yeah, nice one, Linda. xx

  • David_finan.thumb
    Steve Finan
    Sep 23, 12:57am

    I'm not sure if I'd know if any of my stuff was 'great'!!!

  • Canada_usa_2011_002.thumb
    Christopher Allen
    Sep 23, 06:43pm

    Congratulations, Linda!

  • 0804d24.thumb
    Matthew A. Hamilton
    Sep 25, 01:52pm


  • Photo_on_2012-05-10_at_10.25.thumb
    Susan Gibb
    Sep 25, 08:09pm

    That's terrific news, Linda! Happy for you!

  • Spaceinvaders.thumb
    brian warfield
    Sep 26, 10:16pm

    is it 1001 words or over
    or 1000 words or less?

  • Linda.thumb
    Linda Simoni-Wastila
    Sep 27, 12:01am

    Thanks all!

    Brian, send whatever you have. Stories ~1000 or fewer go to our flash fiction editor and his team (that would be Robert Vaughan) and the bigger stories come to moi and moi's team.


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