On Friday, September 21st at 7 pm, Roberto Carlos Garcia, Jen Knox, Stephanie Dickinson, and Joani Reese will join forces to read from their work at the KGB Bar in Manhattan. According to KGB's web site, "In the years since it opened in 1993, KGB has become something of a New York literary institution. Writers hooked up in the publishing world read here with pleasure and without pay to an adoring public over drinks almost every Sunday evening (fiction), Monday evening (poetry), and most Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. The crowd loves it. Admission is free, drinks are cheap and strong, and the level of excellence is such that KGB has been named best literary venue in New York City by New York Magazine, the Village Voice, and everyone else who bestows these awards of recognition." I am humbled and excited to be invited by Susan Tepper to read at KGB with such talented people, and I hope those of you in the area will come out to support us.I'm looking forward to meeting many Internet friends in person. KGB: It's what's for dinner.
Woo-hoo!! I'd love to see some Fictionauts in the crowd!!
So looking forward to this.
Gessy-- I am dying to meet you in person. This is going to be so much fun. I feel like a kid before Christmas!
I wish I could come, Joani! Would be a blast to not only meet you, Robert, and Jen, but also to hear you all read!!! Break a leg!!!
Thanks, Robert, my sweet friend. Boston in 2013 perhaps?