Forum / What Ever Happened to Baby Susan?

  • Nv_kid.thumb
    Ramon Collins
    Sep 13, 10:33pm

    I haven't seen Susan Tepper post on the Forum recently. Susan was always a lighthouse in the sodden fog of online fiction. An excellent Micro & Flash writer, I found her Forum observations enlightening and entertaining.

    Anyone know?

  • Photo_on_2012-05-10_at_10.25.thumb
    Susan Gibb
    Sep 14, 02:11am

    Hi Ramon, check back on this forum about 15 days ago to a posting. We'll miss her here very much.

  • Tinabarry.thumb
    Tina Barry
    Sep 15, 11:52pm

    Speaking of the missing, does anyone know what happened to Jack Swenson?

  • Photo_on_2012-05-10_at_10.25.thumb
    Susan Gibb
    Sep 16, 04:36pm

    Oh goodness, yes, I miss Jack muchly!

  • Nv_kid.thumb
    Ramon Collins
    Sep 16, 08:21pm

    Thanks, Susan; I found the post (pg 3, thread 4).

    I referred to, in an earlier Forum thread, a private conversation with the legendary Prof. Giovanni Costigan concerning tribal inclination in the human mind (nowhere is it move evident than the 'Net).

    The good Prof. went on to say: "The tendency in a tribal setting is to exclude, not include. Therefore, through inbreeding, the tribe gets weaker."

    We see this today in "e-zines", writers' workshops and writers' vanity sites such as Fictionaut -- which might well be renamed "Platitudenaut".

  • Night_chorus_book_cover.thumb
    Joani Reese
    Sep 16, 10:49pm

    Ha! Ramon, tell us how you really feel : ), but you do have a point there...

  • Nv_kid.thumb
    Ramon Collins
    Sep 17, 12:47am

    Joani: I honestly feel. "The tendency in a tribal setting is to exclude, not include. Therefore, through inbreeding, the tribe gets weaker."

    My biggest point is on the top of my head. :op

  • Matt004sm.thumb
    Matt Potter
    Sep 17, 07:41am

    which might well be renamed "Platitudenaut" ... very funny and to the point, yes and made me smile

  • Darryl_falling_water.thumb
    Darryl Price
    Sep 19, 02:36pm

    Yeah,actually Ramon,that is incredibly funny or sad and true and sharp,but your posting it on here begins the process of deepening and widening that has to occur for it to continue in the first place.I mean a lot of animals come to the watering hole, some barely making it in the first place,others out of habit maybe they don't even understand..but there are a few things we all get--humor,music,cave paintings on the wall..Platitudenaut is hilarious, and maybe that's what's needed--a little laughing at ourselves. This writing business is taken so seriously by everybody,including me I'm sorry to say(I should know better) that it's more cutthroat than communal sharing of any kind.As for Susan, she's a friend, I see no reason why she should have felt chased away for being herself. Her contributions were monumental. It's a great loss. I'm with Matt though in saying thank you for the smile. Much needed and much appreciated, Sir!

  • Apc_logo_02.thumb
    Sep 21, 10:23pm

    re: "The good Prof. went on to say: "The tendency in a tribal setting is to exclude, not include. Therefore, through inbreeding, the tribe gets weaker."

    I brought this concept up about a year ago and from what I can see it has happened. Good to see lots of new names, though.

    Heading out to the KGB in NY to catch some writers read...fellow f'nauters included...but first let me play you a tune on my banjo...

  • Nv_kid.thumb
    Ramon Collins
    Sep 24, 12:16am

    Price, Potter & Dickes (that sounds like a sleazy law firm):

    Thanks -- I really appreciate you comments. I've read your work and am happy to recommend you as Bone-fide Writer Fellers.

    When I was a boy, I had the privilege of working with the great Nard Jones, author and editor. Not as a writer, but as an art director for his newspaper magazine.

    Over coffee one afternoon, I asked him, "Why to writers go for each others' throats?"

    Nard replied, with a sly smile; "It's the nature of the craft."

    Apparently, as Hank Williams Jr. sings, "It's a Family Tradition".

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