Hey, folks,
Up today, at Stymie, a fun essay: Jewels, Blood and Beeswax. It's part of their "Why I Write" series. This has been simmering a little while. Thanks to all those who gave comments and feedback on concepts and development. And thanks to Kari Nguyen, editor extraordinaire!
"But none of us know how long we have left, so I write as fast as I can, standing on the newest ground I've discovered, groping through the darkness towards something else."
There it is. Nicely done.
Bill, this is a great piece. Sometimes I like to let something simmer for a while, too. No, usually I do. Seems it worked nicely for you in this instance. Congratulations on the Stymie Magazine credit. Kari is a great editor/writer!
i loved this bill. shared it all over the place. really insightful and well-crafted.