Forum / Jewels, Blood and Beeswax

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    W.F. Lantry
    Aug 27, 06:03pm

    Hey, folks,

    Up today, at Stymie, a fun essay: Jewels, Blood and Beeswax. It's part of their "Why I Write" series. This has been simmering a little while. Thanks to all those who gave comments and feedback on concepts and development. And thanks to Kari Nguyen, editor extraordinaire!



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    RW Spryszak
    Aug 27, 06:53pm

    "But none of us know how long we have left, so I write as fast as I can, standing on the newest ground I've discovered, groping through the darkness towards something else."

    There it is. Nicely done.

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    Robert Vaughan
    Aug 29, 12:24pm

    Bill, this is a great piece. Sometimes I like to let something simmer for a while, too. No, usually I do. Seems it worked nicely for you in this instance. Congratulations on the Stymie Magazine credit. Kari is a great editor/writer!

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    James Claffey
    Aug 29, 03:11pm

    i loved this bill. shared it all over the place. really insightful and well-crafted.

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