Forum / Tao Lin's class at Sarah Lawrence

  • Spaceinvaders.thumb
    brian warfield
    Aug 12, 07:16am

    Open Enrollment. Starting the last week of August I will be facilitating an online verion of Tao Lin's contemprary short story class at Sarah Lawrence. Admission is free and participation is encouraged. I will assign one story per week from authors listed on Lin's syllabus and we will discuss the story using his guidelines.

  • Spaceinvaders.thumb
    brian warfield
    Aug 12, 03:56pm
  • Mosaic_man_marcus.thumb
    Marcus Speh
    Aug 12, 06:21pm

    Brian, this sounds like fun. I have only heard of a handful of these writers, and I've just finished my own teaching: I'll try to come to the party. Both as a writer and as a teacher I'm really interested in the public database of notes on each story. I'm curious what made you want to do this?

    [However, I tried twice to leave a comment on the site: blogger with its dynamical template is notoriously difficult when it comes to comments… it do this via WordPress if I was you]

  • Spaceinvaders.thumb
    brian warfield
    Aug 15, 06:12am

    Marcus - i took your advice. here's the new website:

    i hope people will participate. i will post a link to the actual class's website when it is up. it would be interesting if we ended up reading the same stories.

  • Innis_author_photo.thumb
    Julie Innis
    Aug 17, 09:01pm

    Love this idea, Brian, and thank you for the open invite. I'm on an internet fast, taking only occasional breaks, but will def. be following along.

  • Jamie.thumb
    Jamie Grefe
    Aug 18, 10:57pm

    Brian, thanks for doing this. I'm all in and ready to learn, ready to dig in to the Hempel piece.

  • Spaceinvaders.thumb
    brian warfield
    Aug 23, 04:27pm
  • Jamie.thumb
    Jamie Grefe
    Aug 26, 07:22am

    I just replied to the first piece, but the comment is not showing up. Perhaps you are using comment moderation and just want to make sure that you received it. This was my first time to read Hempel. She's been on my list for awhile and it was great to spend some time thinking about her work.

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