Forum / Thrice reviewed by ReviewReview...

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    RW Spryszak
    Jul 15, 08:52pm

    I do especially appreciate the call to writers "of all stripes" at the end of this piece by Spenser Davis (wow, just like the musician??), as that is and has been our mission.

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    Gloria Mindock
    Jul 16, 12:51pm

    What a great, great review of "Thrice."
    Congratulations! It is a fabulous looking magazine with absolutely wonderful strong work inside. The artwork is so gorgeous and so well done.

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    Susan Tepper
    Jul 16, 04:18pm

    It's a stunningly eclectic magazine that I'm so proud to be a part of, thank you Bob Spryszak and Dave Simmer.

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    James Claffey
    Jul 16, 04:52pm

    yes, i echo susan and gloria. it's an amazing magazine. the art and the overall package shows the writing off spectacularly. my favorite print publication where i've been published.

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    James Lloyd Davis
    Jul 16, 05:14pm

    A quick glance down through the contributor list is a fine rogue's gallery... writers of all stripes and style to be sure. The magazine is a work of art. Congratulations on the good review. Well deserved.

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    David Ackley
    Jul 16, 07:48pm

    Terrific to see Bob Sprysak and David Simmer's fine work on Thrice get the recognition it deserves. Congratulations!

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    David Ackley
    Jul 16, 07:50pm

    Bob Spryszak, that is.

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    Ann Bogle
    Jul 17, 02:38am

    The issue Spencer Davis reviews is strong, as are the other issues of Thrice, and I like it that he reviews it and addresses the art in some detail. I like the significance of reviewing issues of journals. I have the longest story in it, and the review passes over it, a story that took 25 years to write and refinish, and even though it didn't attract a mention, I am glad it is there and that the occasional reader, such as James Claffey and Susan Tepper, interested in reading an 8,000-word story, has the chance to do so in Thrice. What JLD says "writers of all stripes and styles" is right, and also the "stripes and styles" or range within a writer that R.W. Spryszak (Bob) is interested in publishing in Thrice. And it's beautiful.

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    RW Spryszak
    Jul 17, 03:10am

    You know what I think of your work, Ann. We had 5,000 downloads for that issue. I dare say it was read and loved by more than you may know.

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    Ann Bogle
    Jul 17, 04:37am

    It is important to think of the quiet of readers. Recently, I went a little out on a limb of enthusiasm, gratitude might describe it, for a writer in the news, who is somehow doing what I had hoped to do or had done in an individually different yet related way without access to an Internet. She seemed not to notice my applause or attention. I had thought of not singing my praise but telling her directly that I am her sister not her fan. That is the silence of writers.

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    James Claffey
    Jul 17, 03:06pm

    ann, your story is marvelous, and knowing the time and care that went into it makes it all the more special to read again, as i just did (and downloaded the mag again at work!). i only hope that i can craft longer fiction that holds the attention and grips the reader as yours does. your silence speaks to us all as writers.

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    Susan Tepper
    Jul 17, 08:32pm

    I loved Ann Bogle's story, it gripped me and has stayed with me. That, to me, is the true measure of very good work-- that it stays with the reader in some deep way.
    The whole issue was 'appallingly good' if I can use such a term. It wasn't 'sweet' or 'charming' but took a lot of risk with the words and the artwork.
    Now that is very cool!!!

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    Ann Bogle
    Jul 18, 04:05am

    Thanks, James and Susan.

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