Forum / Justified lay-out capability

  • 0001_pabst_blue_ribbon_time.thumb
    May 11, 03:56am

    Is this ever going to return?

  • Updated_bio.thumb
    James Claffey
    May 11, 08:43pm

    yeah! why it no work?

  • 0001_pabst_blue_ribbon_time.thumb
    May 11, 09:39pm

    It used to. Also used to be able to use different fonts...

  • 0001_pabst_blue_ribbon_time.thumb
    May 12, 09:01pm

    And you know, I've got a


    that can print in Justified format...

  • 028934-753x1024.thumb
    mxi wodd
    Jul 02, 12:00am

    Is it a money thing?

  • Letitia_coyne.thumb
    Letitia Coyne
    Jul 02, 02:20am

    Knowing that this may well be stupid and will be poorly received anyway -- I hold my breath and try -- Is it possible, with poems that need a specific layout not available here, to use an image?

    Instead of placing text directly onto the page, just capture and paste the image, instead.


    As you were.

  • 028934-753x1024.thumb
    mxi wodd
    Jul 02, 02:28am

    I THINK (..!..) I know what you are asking.

    Perhaps try saving as PDF and copy/pasting that?

    Perhaps try saving text as "picture" and copy/pasting that...

    Back in the golden glory days we used to be able to post in Full Justified, Centered, RIGHT Justified...

    and in a full variety of common fonts.

    But then the site was "Fixed/Upgraded" and we lost all that.

    With never an explanation why.

  • Rebel.thumb
    Sally Houtman
    Jul 02, 02:46am

    It makes no sense that we can post in Cuneiform, but to center a piece on the page...


    oops I lost count.


  • 028934-753x1024.thumb
    mxi wodd
    Jul 02, 02:51am

    ...and we used to be able to "tab-over" a piece in Word and then copy/paste here and have it be "where we want it," to coin a phraszk.

    Now (since I like my pieces centered under title as if in a 'real mag,' I have to "clickclickclick" each line over to get the lay-out I like.

    Which ain't no real heavy-liftin' compared to real-world weights, but still...

  • 028934-753x1024.thumb
    mxi wodd
    Jul 02, 03:01am

    Even used to be able to use UNCOMMON fonts such as OLDNEWSpaperTYPE, really cool font from the old London "Grub Street" tabloids.

  • Letitia_coyne.thumb
    Letitia Coyne
    Jul 02, 03:11am

    Yes. I meant save as an image.

    For instance. Format your poem in a word doc so it looks exactly as you would have it. You might have to fiddle with the size percentage to get it to convert well. Open doc on your screen.

    [Print screen/SysRq]

    Open Paint. Paste. Crop. Save. Insert image into fictionaut page.

    I realize this was unnecessary before, but if it is the only way to do it now, it might be worth a try.


  • 028934-753x1024.thumb
    mxi wodd
    Jul 02, 03:16am

    Give it a shot!


  • Letitia_coyne.thumb
    Letitia Coyne
    Jul 02, 03:35am

    It would be wise to remove the spell-check from the word doc. I didn't see it... O.o

  • 028934-753x1024.thumb
    mxi wodd
    Jul 02, 04:32am

    Your "Test" seemed rather successful.

    What format did you use?

  • Letitia_coyne.thumb
    Letitia Coyne
    Jul 02, 05:01am

    To do what I did there - and there may be other better ways to do it for the more tech savvy than me - you should be able to use any document format at all. As long as the whole poem is visible at one time on the screen. Otherwise it has to be made smaller to fit, or to be done in two separate screenshots.

    I used word because I had a word doc open. Because I simply saved a screenshot as a jpeg, it wouldn't have mattered what it was, as long as the finished poem looked exactly as I want it. There is no editing the image file once it is done. The original text file has to be edited and a new image made if it requires changes.

    Because I can't write html and I don't know how to insert images any other way, I inserted the cropped Paint jpeg into a Wordpress blog text box, copied the html from there, opened the fictionaut text box and pasted the html directly into the text box.

    Once you hit 'preview' the html is automatically changed into an image here at fictionaut.

    Is that what you mean?


  • Letitia_coyne.thumb
    Letitia Coyne
    Jul 02, 05:40am

    Aha. It works just as well to insert the image into word doc, copy and paste directly into the fictionaut text box.

  • Letitia_coyne.thumb
    Letitia Coyne
    Jul 02, 05:54am

    No, it doesn't. It comes up in the edit, but does not publish.

  • 028934-753x1024.thumb
    mxi wodd
    Jul 02, 06:00am

    Necessity's a mother...

    (I'll study this later... 1 a.m. here...)

  • Frankie Saxx
    Jul 05, 07:42pm

    I use Gimp for all my cutting and cropping and screenshot taking needs.

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