Forum / Organizing Stories / Folders

  • Apc_logo_02.thumb
    Mar 28, 01:12am

    Yeah, so....pretty excited to be re-organizing my files again now that everything is a mess once more.

    Everything is backed up and I have hard copies as well. Any suggestions on organizing stories, computer files and folders, etc ?

  • Night_chorus_book_cover.thumb
    Joani Reese
    Mar 28, 01:28am

    I have a number of folders: 1. Accepted Work (copies of all work and a separate list of titles, dates, venues, and URL's, if applicable), 2. Work Ready for Submission (with two folders inside: Poetry and Fiction) 3. Submitted Work--I note where and when the work was sent out and also put this info on Duotrope) 4. Work in Progress (two folders again (poetry/fiction), and one for the stinkers: 5. Work Rejected Multiple Times in Need of Revision. These folders keep me organized. Sometimes, when I'm in a hurry, I'll dump pieces I've been working on into a temp. folder called "Writing From Desk Top," but I don't keep it there too long, or it gets forgotten. I haven't figured out how to save different versions (I hate to dump an old version for fear I may change my mind) If anyone has suggestions for organizing that type of work, I'd love to hear them.

  • Linda.thumb
    Linda Simoni-Wastila
    Mar 28, 02:13am

    I organize all my stuff by year first, then into accepted, submitted, works-in-progress. I keep all my big project work in its own folder, with subfolders, also arranged by year. Big projects include: NaPoWriMo (in less than a week - yay!); each of my novels; potential chaps. It gets huge fast.

    I also keep folders on stuff I've parsed out from projects that might be reusable (my murdered darlings).

    I also am a packrat, keep multiple versions, and, like JOani, would love any suggestions on how to organize. I coule really use help on thoughts on organizing novel projects.


  • Apc_logo_02.thumb
    Mar 28, 07:33am

    Good thoughts here. Thanks. I think I need a personal oompa loompa, maybe...

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