Not to change the subject, but poet Mary Stone Dockery (Mythology of Touch, Woodley Press, 2012) has written a kind and thoughtful review of my book Final Notes at Stone Highway Review. Hers is good writing indeed.
Great review and well deserved, Joani. Congratulations.
Congratulations, Joani! But now I am in trouble as I have a long list of chapbooks I must buy...yours, Mary's, Jane's and the one about the Ted Bundy victims.
Victims of Ted Bundy: Washington State and Oregon by Caitlin
Mary Stone Dockery wrote a terrific review of this remarkable book. Joani's poems are stunning in their expressive language and emotional content. One of the best poetry chaps I've read this year.
Fine review of a fine book.
Congrats, JP!
Thanks. all. Mary is a fine writer, and I'm pleased she found something of value in this small book.
Super review, Joani. Every piece in your book packs a punch, some direct to the gut, others more subtle, like an aftershock. Peace...