Forum / Connotation Press Mid-Month is Live!

  • Night_chorus_book_cover.thumb
    Joani Reese
    Mar 15, 03:19pm

    This month's poets bring a little Dante, Whitman, and self-loathing into our lives with poems by Rich Ives, Steve Gulvezan, and Marilyn Kallet, along with other fine writers like Al Maginnes, Ocean Vuong, and Sonnet Mondal. Meg Tuite has a roster of the best in her Fiction column that includes our own James Claffey. Our fearless leader, Ken Robidoux has also put up a series of video readings from Connotation Press's AWP "Gettin' Our Read On" event. These are great, and you'll see some familiar faces in the mix. Go. Read. Grin. Cry. It's time for some great reading and viewing/listening at the press!

  • Gloriamindock200x274.thumb
    Gloria Mindock
    Mar 15, 05:38pm

    Congratulations! Great stuff!

  • Meg%20profile%20pic.thumb
    Meg Tuite
    Mar 16, 12:00am

    LOVING the poetry and am very excited about the fiction going on this issue!! It's always a great issue!! Ken rocks it!! I have to say that the most fun at AWP was meeting Ken and doing the reading for CP!!! Packed house! and such amazing work and LOVE happening in that crowded bar. I so wish you'd been there, Joani!!

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