This is interesting on its own, but I thought of it also in the context of recent forum posts here. Fullstop asks some contemporary writers a revised set of questions based on the 1939 questions posed by The Partisan Review. There is also a link to the 1939 questions in the article.
Thanks, Jane, for locating this feature and bringing our attention to it at Fictionaut. (Fictionaut is still not in the Fictionaut spell checker! So I'm always eyeballing it, to see if I spelled it right.) Yay, Roxane Gay, who I hope will become one of the majors soon and will not have to endure too long as an up-and-comer. Thought-provoking questions and answers. I read quite a few authors' responses.
I noticed that the link to the original questions goes to Let Us Now Praise Famous Men (now available on google books apparently).
An interesting array of responses to the 2011 version!
Yes, very interesting. Thanks for posting this, Jane.
I have no doubt that we'll see <a href="">Roxane Gay</a> succeed in a big way. She's a marvelous writer of fiction and non-fiction. One of the people I always look forward to reading even (or especially if) she annoys! She's even funny on Twitter.
I'm also a big fan of Roxane! And Jane thank you for all that you bring to us, you constantly remind me of the things I consider important to a writer's life.