Forum / Wilderness House Literary Review Fall Issue LIVE!

  • S._tepper--nov--lighter.thumb
    Susan Tepper
    Oct 03, 02:49am

    Intriguing new fiction by Marcus Speh, Susan Gibb, James Lloyd Davis, Andrew Stancek, Robert Vaughan, Isabell Serafin, Bill Doreski, Benjamin Matvey and more~
    Check us out!

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    Marcus Speh
    Oct 03, 01:30pm

    thank you, susan, this is indeed a fantastically rich issue—a lot of work must have gone into it and the result is gorgeous. featured at <a href="">kaffe in katmandu</a>. cheers!

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    Kathy Fish
    Oct 03, 02:33pm

    That's a whole bunch of my favorite writers in one place, Susan. Congratulations to everyone involved. And thanks for the terrific review of "Wild Life." I appreciate it so much.

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    Andrew Stancek
    Oct 03, 02:35pm

    Thrilled to be a part of it. Great stories. Thanks, Susan.

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    James Lloyd Davis
    Oct 03, 07:25pm

    Thanks, Susan. Great issue. Well done!

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    Sam Rasnake
    Oct 03, 07:32pm

    Enjoyed the reads here. Thanks for the link, Susan.

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    Robert Vaughan
    Oct 03, 10:51pm

    So thrilled to be involved this Fall at such a wonderful venue as WHLR. Thanks again, Susan T.!

  • S._tepper--nov--lighter.thumb
    Susan Tepper
    Oct 05, 01:18am

    Steve Glines (publisher) and I are very proud of the fiction presented. Irene Koronas chose the gorgeous poetry. If you haven't yet, check us out.

  • With_ted_3.thumb
    Bill Yarrow
    Oct 06, 03:00pm

    Congratulations all on a fine issue!

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