Forum / Best of the Net 2011 Nominations from Blue Fifth Review...

  • Frankenstein-painting_brenda-kato.thumb
    Sam Rasnake
    Oct 03, 02:37am

    Best of the Net 2011 nominations from Blue Fifth Review / Blue Five Notebook Series: ...


    Ann Neuser Lederer, “Egg of Filaments” (April 2011)
    Pamela Johnson Parker, “In Ictu Oculi” (Winter Quarterly 2011)
    James Robison, “For the Film New Orleans Mon Amour” (Broadside 19 Summer 10)
    Marcus Speh, “Cahiers du Cinéma” (Fall 2010)
    Christine Swint, “The Red Knitting Woman” (Spring Quarterly 2011)
    Bill Yarrow, “Son of Goya” (January 2011)

    Short Fictions:

    Sheldon Lee Compton, “Coming By It Honest” (Winter Quarterly 2011)
    Julie Innis, “Fairground” (Glass Woman Special 2011)

    Congratulations to these fine writers. Enjoy these works.


    Sam Rasnake and Michelle Elvy

  • With_ted_3.thumb
    Bill Yarrow
    Oct 03, 03:09am

    Thanks, Sam and Michelle! It's an honor to be included among the nominees.

  • Mrsoftee1.thumb
    Jim V
    Oct 03, 03:26am

    Congrats to everyone who was nominated. Some of my favorite writers listed there-- so very well deserved.

  • Linda.thumb
    Linda Simoni-Wastila
    Oct 03, 10:02am

    Excellent works, excellent writers. Peace...

  • Mosaic_man_marcus.thumb
    Marcus Speh
    Oct 03, 11:31am

    lovely to hear and to see, thank you michelle and sam, i'm honored. not quite used to seeing myself in the company of poets, but sam has reassured me this piece quacks and looks like a prose poem...i'm confused as always but as i'm "over flash" i won't have to torture myself any longer...see also a related recent discussion on flash vs prose forms <a href="">at red lemonade</a>... cheers from berlin!

  • Night_chorus_book_cover.thumb
    Joani Reese
    Oct 03, 11:31am

    Happy for all these fine writers. Best of luck, and congratulations on the nominations.

  • Photo_on_1-21-15_at_3.05_pm.thumb
    Kathy Fish
    Oct 03, 02:37pm

    Fantastic. Congratulations and good luck to the nominees.

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