Forum / 'A Woman Walks Into A Bar' at Camel Saloon

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    Mark Reep
    Oct 02, 07:35pm

    This story was up on fn earlier, but for those who haven't read (and any who can't remember, and wonder if they might have, or are curious about the clever title... :)

    My thanks to editor/barkeep Russell Streur.

  • S._tepper--nov--lighter.thumb
    Susan Tepper
    Oct 02, 10:55pm

    Totally love this story, such a great voice, setting, the whole 9 yards just WORK... tried leaving a comment on the site but it didn't take--

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    Linda Simoni-Wastila
    Oct 03, 01:43am

    Loved this, tried to leave a comment but couldn't. So what I tried to say:

    YES. I loved that she tries again. Peace...

    Congrats on this little gem. Peace...

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    MaryAnne Kolton
    Oct 03, 03:27am

    I was not able to leave a comment either, but seems like I can now. . .Smashing story, I, too, liked that she gave it another shot.

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    Kathy Fish
    Oct 03, 02:39pm

    Love the title! I have a lot of reading to do over morning coffee today it seems. Congrats, Mark!

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    Mark Reep
    Oct 03, 04:08pm

    Susan, Linda, MaryAnne, Kathy- Thanks very much for reading. Blogger often seems to have comments issues- Thanks too for taking time to post here instead.

    Writing this quiet little piece, it seemed obvious that trying again is a lot of what this character and her story (I expect there's more, there always is) are about. So obvious I didn't think about it much, I guess, because when I was writing the last scene, it didn't occur to me that the last line would summarize, or had. It just seemed true to character.

    All this by way of saying thanks, Linda and MaryAnne, for your comments on that. Pointed out something I'm happy about, and hadn't realized :)

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