Forum / A-Minor Magazine reopens

  • Nicolette_apr_2012.thumb
    Nicolette Wong
    Sep 06, 01:04pm

    Hello guys

    As some of you might have heard, I've taken over A-Minor Magazine from Sheldon Lee Compton. It's now reopened to submissions. Besides flash fiction, the zine will now seek to publish poetry, works of mixed genres and artwork (including collaborative works between writers and visual artists).

    I hope you'll check out the revised guidelines and submit.

  • Img_0741.thumb
    See ya
    Sep 06, 02:21pm

    I'm liking the sound of this, Nicolette. Love you've hit the ground running with wonderful new ideas. Exactly what I was hoping for! As I've said so many times already, I can't wait to see what comes.

  • Frankenstein-painting_brenda-kato.thumb
    Sam Rasnake
    Sep 06, 03:28pm

    A-Minor is a great venue, and I look forward to your work there.

    And Sheldon, thanks for what you started. Always a wonderful read.

  • Mosaic_man_marcus.thumb
    Marcus Speh
    Sep 06, 03:46pm

    yes, sheldon, kudos to you for founding/maintaining such a splendid venue & for finding nicolette to take over. you're such different types (from where i stand) but both so passionate, that this can only result in a-major fireworks!

  • Nicolette_apr_2012.thumb
    Nicolette Wong
    Sep 06, 03:46pm

    Yes, I'm very honored and thrilled to take the helm - Sheldon's shoes are big to fill. Hope to get quality submissions and to start publishing soon!

  • Night_chorus_book_cover.thumb
    Joani Reese
    Sep 06, 11:42pm

    Best of luck, Nicolette, on your new venture. Steady as she goes...

  • Kreuzberg,%20germany%201992.thumb
    Robert Vaughan
    Sep 07, 12:12am

    Sheldon, thanks for creating such an amazing literary venue in A-Minor! And Nicolette, you are perfect for this role. You'll do an amazing job! Congratulations!

  • Img_0741.thumb
    See ya
    Sep 07, 11:51am

    Thanks for the good energy, folks. Dang.

  • Photo_on_2012-05-10_at_10.25.thumb
    Susan Gibb
    Sep 07, 03:04pm

    Tears dried from Sheldon's leaving--only because it's someone as terrific as Nicolette picking up the load! Sheldon, thank you for a great magazine; Nicolette, congratulations and good luck!

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