Forum / Favorite Fonts?

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    W.F. Lantry
    May 19, 02:49am

    Hey, folks,

    Part of the problem with total editorial control is that no-one makes decisions for you, darn it! I've never felt quite so on my own.

    So here I am, trying to design a cover, which is wildly overdue. I know, in general, I want the reproduction of the persian miniature from Attar's text. I know, in general, the color I want for the text background, and Kate's favorite color is purple, so I want some variant of that for the text color. Also, purple and gold work thematically with the content.

    But I have no idea which font to use. Here are a few early attempts:

    Any and all suggestions welcomed!



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    eamon byrne
    May 20, 03:33am

    Rosslair font is very nice for the cover. That'd be my pick. Palatino I don't like at all because it slants forward. Bookman Old is just about my favourite font for general text, but not for the cover.

    You really have to use your own judgment though.

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    Carol Reid
    May 20, 03:48am

    Rosslair does look very nice. I'm partial to scruffy fonts like old Underwoood, but that would not suit this pretty cover. Of the pretty fonts, Papyrus is one of my favourites, so I'd say either Rosslair or Papyrus.

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    Lynn Beighley
    May 20, 05:59pm

    I like the felixtilting. I think Papyrus is sometime abused and can look common, might be better to avoid.

    Couple of suggestions that might polish this a bit. I hope aren't unwelcome:

    Use a smaller font size for your name.

    Move the image down so that it's not centered. Give yourself more space above than below.

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    MaryAnne Kolton
    May 20, 08:00pm

    The cover picture is lovey and quite ornate.

    For that reason I would keep the font classic and uncluttered.

    I agree with Lynn, about not centering the image and definitly use smaller font for your name.

    It's like buying a house, when you know it's the right one - the hairs on your arms stand at attention. Goosebumps.

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