I'm just a guy who writes a lot. I am married for more than 20 years. I Have 2 kids going to Boston University, one for Classics and one for Physics. I paint, draw, create digital collage, write poetry, short fiction, flash fiction and am also attempting long fiction now as well.
Anyone that requires fuel for creativity has clearly not looked closely at the world around them. The universe provides an endless supply of inspiration and things to ponder. I write to sort through all of my ideas and because I wish to insert my ideas into the heads of others - others including myself in the future. There's no more fascist (more accurately 'controlling') act one human can inflict upon another than art, and so, I'm drawn that way for that reason.
I have found great joy in David Edding's Belgariad and Mallorean series, and Orson Scott Card's "Ender's Game.' I frequently read collections of poetry, recently I've been pondering e.e. cummings and stephen crane.
Good to see your pretty face here, Stephan! Welcome!
Good to see your pretty face here, Stephan! Welcome!