My name is Richard Vaughan and I'm a litaholic. I've been without a book for three minutes and thirty-seven seconds.
I'm a high school dropout who was once caught by a truant officer in a public library.
At fifteen I was released early from probation because the truant officer caught me reading The Brothers Karamazov.
I've always been a reader, never a writer. Until now.
We'll see what happens.
Questions fuel my creativity: what if? why? why not? So do surprises: feeling compelled to report them, analyze them, wonder about them, share them.
Trying to list favorite authors/books is like trying to come up with a list of top (insert subject). Depends on so many things. It's probably more accurate to say my favorite book is the one I'm reading.
Are you my long lost cousin? Welcome either way...
Are you my long lost cousin? Welcome either way...