Richard A. Vaughan

Website http://

About Me

My name is Richard Vaughan and I'm a litaholic. I've been without a book for three minutes and thirty-seven seconds.

I'm a high school dropout who was once caught by a truant officer in a public library.

At fifteen I was released early from probation because the truant officer caught me reading The Brothers Karamazov.

I've always been a reader, never a writer. Until now.

We'll see what happens.

Why do you write?

Questions fuel my creativity: what if? why? why not?
So do surprises: feeling compelled to report them, analyze them, wonder about them, share them.

Any favorite authors? Books?

Trying to list favorite authors/books is like trying to come up with a list of top (insert subject). Depends on so many things. It's probably more accurate to say my favorite book is the one I'm reading.

Richard A. Vaughan's Wall

Robert Vaughan – Jul 23, 2011

Are you my long lost cousin? Welcome either way...

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