Ray Hoy, Publisher

Location The Great Northwest
Occupation Publisher
Website http://www.fictionworks.com

Books by Ray Hoy, Publisher
  • by Ray Hoy
    LifeLinks, an imprint of The Fiction Works, 2011.
  • About Me

    I am the owner and publisher of The Fiction Works, a royalty-paying online publishing company founded in 1997. My company is one of the pioneers in the eBook industry, but we also produce a line of audiobook and trade paperback titles.

    I work with 115 contracted authors, editors, and illustrators scattered all over the world. We communicate via Skype and e-mail.

    The Fiction Works is situated in the rain forest of the Great Northwest, where you can actually breathe air you can't see. We're close enough to the rugged Oregon coast to smell the fresh sea air. No smog, no traffic, no worries.

    But publishers are writers, too. I sold my first freelance article when I was just 16 years old. Now, at 76, I look back with great satisfaction at the hundreds of magazine articles, numerous screenplays, and the half-dozen novels I have authored.

    In one of my former lives I also spent 15 years as a director of casino marketing for several of Nevada's major gaming properties.

    I have another connection to Nevada. I am one of those so-called "Atomic Soldiers" from the 50s. While serving in the Signal Corps, my unit was sent to Camp Desert Rock, Nevada to provide communications for a series of atmospheric atomic bomb tests. I observed a number of "shots" (as the military loved to call them), up close and personal. I was there with 5,000 men but now our numbers are down to 500 or so. Most of those men died horribly. However, to date I am still healthy, happy, and going strong, so I consider myself blessed.

    I love what I'm doing. Life is good. - Ray Hoy, Author/Publisher

    Any favorite authors? Books?

    John D. MacDonald, Laura Belgrave (look her up on the Internet)

    Ray Hoy, Publisher's Wall

    Jerry Ratch – Nov 19, 2012

    Welcome, Ray.
    I'm assuming you do not do lieterary Fiction. Am I right?
    You can find info about my books online at www.jerryratch.com.
    many are on kindle book on amazon.
    I've got a couple of newer novels I'd like to publish.


    Jerry Ratch

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