JEREMY P. BUSHNELL,'s Editor-in-Chief, is a fiction writer and part-time educator in the Greater Boston Area. He was the editor of the Sonora Review in the late 1990s and has thought a lot since then about editing, curating, indexing, and archiving. His novel Meanwhile is under representation with Gary Heidt of the Signature Literary Agency. He is currently at work on a second novel, Hell-Wolves and Lit-Mags, a comic look at the supernatural underbelly of the writing world. In his "spare time" he takes photographs of abandoned places, maintains a blog, and designs an occasional board game.
What's up, Jeremy?
I wouldn't mind bombing a Starbucks with you.
How are things? Looking forward to seeing some of your work.
What's up, Jeremy?
I wouldn't mind bombing a Starbucks with you.
How are things? Looking forward to seeing some of your work.