Glen Phillips

Occupation Publisher

About Me

Front Porch Review is a quarterly online literary magazine. It is the creation of Glen Phillips of Park Ridge, IL, who toiled in the vineyards of educational and IT publishing as editor, writer, product designer, subject matter expert, business manager, and other menial roles not worth mentioning. After forty years of such effort, he decided that the best he could do for the common good was to build an electronic front porch displaying the significant artistic work of our older generation, men and women coming late to the creativity game but still with something of value to express.

Any favorite authors? Books?

Authors: William Trevor, Joyce Carol Oates, Alice Munro, Richard Bausch, Dostoyevsky, Charles Baxter.

Books: Don Quixote, Crime and Punishment, various collections of short stories and essays

Glen Phillips's Wall

Robert Vaughan – Jul 15, 2011

Welcome to Fictionaut, Glen!

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