An Assistant Professor of English and a poet. I've been doing the latter longer than the former, so I don't cringe when I say it.
I write to be around language and read to listen to others' language.
William Faulkner--Sound and the Fury, Absalom, Absalom Leslie Silko--Ceremony, Almanac of the Dead Mark Twain, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Annie Dillard--The Maytrees
Poets--James Wright, William Stafford, Gary Snyder, Robert Creely, Frank O'Hara, Elizabeth Bishop, John Ashberry, James Dickey
et. al.
I appreciate the notion/practice of being 'around language' -- that's a true/honest spring for the poetic faculty.
I appreciate the notion/practice of being 'around language' -- that's a true/honest spring for the poetic faculty.