My Shasta Daisy

by TJ Skarbo

I lay on grass warmed by the sun

Somehow the breeze finds

Its way between my toes

I gaze at your beauty


Standing alone in between

Blades of green grass

Is Shasta

My Daisy


I watch you dance

As the wind teases and blows

I watch you stand tall

Through it all


You open your petals

Unafraid of the visitors

Who come to you

For rejuvenation


You put your face

To the sun

Reaching for the sky

Leaves straight out for balance


Enlightenment blazes before me

You are there for a reason

Your inner guru

Has revealed itself


You show me

Being alone is

Sometimes needed

And should not be feared


You teach me

To dance and bend

When the wind

Gets to be too much


You whisper

To receive and welcome

Outside help

Is a sign of true strength


Your laughter says

Reach for things

Out of your grasp

This is a path of growth


I am a smiling silent student

You teach me so much

By doing nothing

And leaving nothing undone

