by S.H. Gall
White heard, another straight knife. Stood up and straight knife. Heard in thirds, straightened then, never done. Another then, over here, here, even blossoms. Straight over blossom, suppressed, never done. Knife never in unfiltered even. White, even now, turned. Heard, even suppress, even heard. Another now never done. Straight over, blossom vented odd, not done. Knifed then, in unfiltered even. Unheard in hours, straightened at some point, never done. In then. Hours even straight,just beginning, undone seconds. Straightened under blossoming then, even undone. Even suppressed, even then. Now over worms. Even vent even, now. Done over now, even. Another now, over there, her even rots. Now under, snakes. Under blossom, uneven blossom. Straightened her later blossom, uneven. Her uneven blossom. Uneven suppress, unevened then. Blossoms under straightened seconds. Straight, over blossom vented, even done. Under now, done, even rot. Blossoms over here. Suppressed even then, turned, even undone. Even suppressed, even then. Undone, under now, even. Knife, now out, unfiltered even. Not now on worms. Out, now. Filtered out, heard, straightened, uneven blossom, even undone. Evened isn't a word, even now. Bent, crooked and straight, knifed. Even vent, not-a-word then. Then, on worms. Turned over blossom then even. Done, heard, in seconds turned odd, now odd, undone. Never vent never now. Vented even then, straightened.
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Recently appeared in Abjective. I am feeling the love.
I have to comment on this. Fifty or so separate words, permutated into phrases. As far as sense goes, it doesn't seem to make much. But the weird thing is, each individual short sentence makes a lot of sense. In isolation they hit the eye with a bang. It's sort of what a lot of writing wants to do - go bang! But when you string the little bangs together, it doesn't have any big bang. Why? Well, maybe because the eye runs ahead of the words and gets bored because it's looking for patterns and meaning. But there isn't any pattern here. And are we going to try to nut out some meaning if we can't see a pattern? Not on your sweet life we aren't. But does that invalidate it? By no means. One shouldn't discourage weird stuff, particularly when someone has the gall to write it. And you know something else that's weird about it? The title. There's nine words in it, and not ONE of them appears in the main text. I say we need more of this weird shit.
eamon, thanks for reading. Just wondering... are you drunk? I mean, "Even vent even, now" makes a lot of sense to you? I am all for weird shit as a rule, but the fact that meaningless pablum like this gets published by allegedly legit magazines depresses me. I want my weird shit to actually say something, not just be weird for the sake of being weird.
Oh, FYI, this is a parody piece (as if you couldn't figure that out).
Parody. Huh. Only because of your intention. Not intrinsically. That's one issue. Another's your motive for writing it. Now my defence: if something interests one, for whatever reason, then that's its own justification. And I insist that almost any very short sentence has a solid effect. The shorter the more solid. That's the nature of language.
Also, did I say anywhere that your piece was any good? I did not. (Though clearly I found it of interest.) My point was more generic, going to the way one reads an abstract text.
Thanks for clarifying, eamon. I do agree that a degree of interest is its own justification.
I'm a fan of abstraction in text... I just don't think in this particular instance it's all that effective. Kind of forced, or contrived.
Again, thanks for reading!