I had some in Prague & a little while ago I got a bottle of not v. good absinthe. (I was disappointed, as I'm sure you can imagine.) I figure it may not be delicious for drinking but it should make good ice cream.
I am at the chilling my ice cream batter in the fridge stage now. I will let you guys know how it turns out.
Also it is a good idea not to get distracted by the Google when you are supposed to be stirring your custard.
Experiment successful!
It is pretty good. Would probably be better with a better absinthe but I wouldn't be putting that into ice cream.
imagine some flashing lights here
-Oh fuck. The drama alert.
-Why? What's going on?
-Who the fuck knows. It's the internet. It's a machine for turning human interaction into drama and LOLcats.
-And weird porn.
-Yeah, that too.
-Shall we make popcorn and watch?
-No. It's a rerun.
-Then what do you want to do tonight, Brain?
-Try and take over the world!!!
-Weird porn?
Vicodin, pizza, or scotch. Nobody writes for free.
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