Discussion → Hello!

  • Dscn0745.thumb
    E. Kirsch
    Jan 30, 12:27pm

    My name is Eddie Kirsch, I am a journalism and philosophy student at the University of Missouri with a serious interest in literary fiction. Currently I am trying to start a blog infusing my creative interests. Please visit, as I will have interviews with young and experienced writers. This week I had an interview with Dylan Nice, another Fictionaut contributor.

  • Flawntnewsmall.thumb
    Finnegan Flawnt
    Feb 03, 04:03am

    i like your blog! i'm an old inexperienced writer who doesn't even exist - making me feel like a visitor from another planet, but i enjoy travels to a galaxy far, far away ... you may call me "last of the jedi" now.

    also, i moderate a new flash fiction workshop at http://www.forum.virtualwritersinc.com/ where other young/old in/experienced flash fiction writers are very welcome to try themselves out and get feedback from the dark side of the Force.

  • Dscn0745.thumb
    E. Kirsch
    Feb 05, 05:03pm

    Very interesting forum! I really think online communication between writers supplies a great opportunity for critique from a depth of experience, and additionally serves as a news wire.

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