Discussion → I hope you are marking your stories public

  • Cisi_avatar.thumb
    Ron Earl Phillips
    Sep 05, 12:44pm

    I have to say as the head bottle washer over at Flash Fiction Friday, I'm very proud Thomas and Fiona for putting this prompt together. It is one that definitely goes on and beyond the call of duty. And of course is one that tugs strongly on our heartstrings.

    One thing I ask is to make the stories as accessible as possible. So if you're posting these on Fictionaut, please leave commenting public as many of the readers will be outside of the community.

    Great stories so far. Will be leaving comments soon. Hopefully as story will drop as well.

  • Thomas_pluck_-_author_photo.thumb
    Thomas Pluck
    Sep 06, 02:15am

    Thanks Ron, that is very important!

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