Discussion → NEWS and NOTES: August 2, 2010

  • 000_0969.thumb
    H-M Brown
    Aug 02, 03:33pm

    Greetings fellow readers. Welcome to another edition of NEWS and NOTES.


    <strong>Arcana Magi</strong> Chapter 26: 'Science versus Magic' is up and running now on Fictionaut.

    'Brie has to shut down her invention and retrieve her stolen items, but can Kyo buy her the time she needs to succeed?'

    Click on the sidebar link to check it all out.

    <strong>The Impossible Man</strong> Episode 16: 'Puert Rican Day Parade' will up and running on Fictionaut Thursday.

    'It's Denfair City's festival weekend, kicking off with the Puerto Rican Day Parade. Will I-Man and the gang finally get day from all kinds of antics?'

    Check it out this Thursday Monday on Fictionaut.

    NOTES Today:

    This is it fellow readers! The final stretch is here. The last five Chapters of Arcana Magi Main Series and The Impossible Man begin this week. Barring any unexpected mishaps, both series will be completed by August 30 and September 2 respectively. It's been exciting presenting these stories to all of you and it will be sad to draw them to close. But that doesn't mean I don't have other stories to drop. So, enjoy these final chapters coming this month on Fictionaut.

    That's all the NEWS and NOTES for now.

    Until next time...

    See ya.

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