Forum / 1 or 2 New Yorkers sought for offline workshop in Queens

  • Masa_polymaths.thumb
    Benjamin Chadwick
    Dec 15, 03:55pm

    Fiction Writers of Queens (FWOQ) is a small, informal fiction workshop currently consisting of five suffering young writers. We send work via e-mail, then gather to discuss it and to drink. Our goal is to improve our work and our discipline, and to discuss issues affecting fiction, publishing, and art. FWOQ meets every other Tuesday night (usually) at a bar in Long Island City. Our primary focus is on short stories.

    We are looking for one or two new members to round out our numbers. To apply to join, please e-mail with a brief bio and a sample of your fiction (or a link to it). It's not that we're so lofty that we deserve an admissions process, it's just that we can't take everyone who might be interested (assuming anyone actually is)-- we're really trying to top it off at no more than six, for practical reasons.

  • Masa_polymaths.thumb
    Benjamin Chadwick
    Dec 15, 03:56pm

    Eh-- guess I should have said "top it off at no more than seven". Damnit, if anyone needs me, I'll be at the bar.

  • Masa_polymaths.thumb
    Benjamin Chadwick
    Dec 15, 04:00pm

    Aaaaand I just realized I could post to the New York group directly and save other readers a little hassle. Apologies to all. I'm new.

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