I got this from Camel Saloon editor Russell Streur, thought I'd share it here.
Dear Saloonatics:
The Camel Saloon has been blessed and enriched by the poetry, art and photography submitted by the women who have danced through the doors of this establishment.
My favorite poetess is Bella Akhmadulina, whose major works were written in Russia during the Soviet decades of that nation's long history and who passed away late last year.
I especially like her poem Volcanoes, in particular the verse W.H. Auden translated as:
'What future did you assume,
What were you thinking of and whom
When you leaned your elbow thus
Thoughtlessly on Vesuvius?'
The Saloon marks Bella's first posthumous birthday of April 10, 2011, with a special edition of The Eye of the Needle, celebrating life in the words and images of the women friends of the bar along with forgotten voices of poetesses past. Please come enjoy the poetry, art, photography and fiction at: http://theeyeoftheneedlebellaakhmadulinaday.blogspot.com/
There's a lot there--from breakfast in Tuscany to the gravestones, and along the way the four seasons, the unpredictable sea, the vine of life, the cage of prayers, and wisteria on glass, all painted in red blush and henna. Not to mention sex in the library.
This Eye is the third in a continuing series of special issues. Links to this and previous Eyes can be found on the Saloon’s home page: http://thecamelsaloon.blogspot.com/
Russell Streur
Camel Saloon
Really good issue, so worth reading.