Forum / Why can't I

  • Dsc00541crop.thumb
    Yvette Wielhouwer Managan
    Nov 19, 12:26pm

    find the button that allowed me to add a story I've posted as private, into a private group?

    My story, Momma Shrinks," is hanging in limbo.

  • Dsc00541crop.thumb
    Yvette Wielhouwer Managan
    Nov 19, 12:27pm

    WWhen I log on to the story, it is listed as a draft, yet no visible way is shown to make it go 'up'.

  • Author_wide.thumb
    Jürgen Fauth
    Nov 19, 12:39pm

    Hi Yvette, look for the yellow box on the top right corner of the story page. It says:

    This is a draft. Edit your story?

    "Publish?" is the link that will post the story (and since it's set to private, it won't appear on the front page.) Seems like the publish link should be a bigger button.

  • Dsc00541crop.thumb
    Yvette Wielhouwer Managan
    Nov 19, 01:01pm

    Thanks Jurgen. I'd had a blond moment :/

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