Forum / An inspiration to us all..,

  • 2161777446_a91102ea45.thumb
    Matt Dennison
    Jan 11, 06:22pm

    I guess you could say I have always had a love affair with the written word. The simple, solitary act of contemplating the white expanse of the blank page, and then putting pen to paper and seeing where the words take me, is my one constant solace in an otherwise turbulent world. Yes, I must admit it: I am only truly happy when I'm writing.

    Or if I'm having dinner with family and friends, or a new and interesting acquaintance I happened to meet that week and hit it off with. I'm pretty happy then, too.

    But for me, it always comes back to the writing: the discipline, the stamina required, the unrelenting determination to give voice to my innermost thoughts, thoughts that illuminate the cracks and crevices of the human condition. That is my only satisfaction. That and watching a really good movie on late-night TV, like Suddenly, Last Summer. That's a great feeling, especially when you haven't seen the film in some years, and you discover anew just what it was that you loved about it in the first place. I also enjoy canoeing and windsurfing when I get a free weekend down at the beach.

    And Frisbee. I love Frisbee.

    Yet writing, that noblest of tasks, painful and frustrating at times, easy-flowing at others, a never-ending quest for the soul of wit and honesty, wherein one aspires only to say what it is one has to say, and to get it right—that is my true joy, and the only act which gives me any sense of peace in this bumpy journey we call existence. Unless I'm on one of my day trips up to Bear Mountain with Geoff and Barry and the rest of the gang. God, we have a blast, the eight of us up in that rickety old cabin. It's a great place to hang out and clear my head so I can come home and get down to work on some real solid writing—if I'm not too tired from all the laughing, that is!

    Yes, it's a lonely life, the writer's life: as alienating as it is rewarding. At times, it can be pure misery, racking one's brains for just the right word, just the right turn of phrase, just the right flourish or hint of nuance. It's a burden as much as a gift, truth be told. But at the end of the day, it's all I really have in the world. That and my car. (Which I love, by the way. I've always wanted a sports car, and now that I'm in my 40s, I finally decided to splurge on a convertible. It's secondhand, but boy, you should hear that little engine purr.) Yes, writing is a singular art, a creative endeavor to which nothing can compare.

    I also really love Pictionary, too. There's nothing more fun than observing the comical flailing of friends and family—always with a nice bottle of wine cracked open, of course—as they desperately attempt to communicate with one another while abiding by the game's restrictions. Just delightful.

    Come to think of it, I don't really get that much writing done anymore. There's so much good TV to keep up with, and when I do have a free moment, it seems as though I'm always getting sucked into Facebook or YouTube. Those things are such time-vampires! It's like, "Hey, where did the last few hours go?" I'm sure we can all relate to that feeling. It's a wonder I find time to write at all, really, especially with my buddies getting me into fantasy basketball now. Talk about addictive.

    (from The Onion)

  • Photo_on_1-21-15_at_3.05_pm.thumb
    Kathy Fish
    Jan 11, 06:28pm

    Haha! God, I love the Onion...

  • 2161777446_a91102ea45.thumb
    Matt Dennison
    Jan 11, 11:15pm

    For such a dedicated writer, I was surprised to find he used a wrong word in paragraph 6. Or mis-spelled the correct one. No, I think it was the wrong one. Pronounced the same, spelled differently...

    Oh, well, back to the movie!

  • S._tepper--nov--lighter.thumb
    Susan Tepper
    Jan 12, 12:36am

    I never "get" the lonely writer's life bit--
    So join things in your spare time. Do volunteer work, teach kids to read.
    I find this attitude about the poor lonely writer so boring and indulgent...
    And if these people are so miserable being writers, then do something else dammit!
    I LOVE being a writer. I'm never bored spending time with ME.
    Well I've had my rant. Now I'll have some Devil Dogs.

  • 2161777446_a91102ea45.thumb
    Matt Dennison
    Jan 12, 04:17am

    (It's meant to be humorous, Susan. It's from The Onion, a satirical magazine/website.)

  • S._tepper--nov--lighter.thumb
    Susan Tepper
    Jan 12, 10:25am

    I know that! I was meant to be humorous! In my dark, satirical way. It's snowing hard here and my dark side came roaring out with its little devil horns. Then I had some Devil Dogs to celebrate my communion with the devil...
    You know about that, Matt, communion with the devil... you can be quite devilish...
    Like when you let me think I died because I couldn't find my postings here at the page turn on bottom right...

  • Author_photo.thumb
    James Lloyd Davis
    Jan 12, 01:45pm


    Everybody get OUT of the house. Right now. Let's go. Step away from the computer.

  • Photo_on_1-21-15_at_3.05_pm.thumb
    Kathy Fish
    Jan 12, 01:56pm

    I have an extra pair of snowshoes if anyone needs 'em. ;-)

  • 2161777446_a91102ea45.thumb
    Matt Dennison
    Jan 12, 04:29pm

    (I just ran out of the house naked, sprinkling holy water behind me...)

  • New_author_photo.thumb
    Phoebe Wilcox
    Jan 17, 05:49pm

    You are going to get frostbite, Matt. Back in the house this instant!

  • New_author_photo.thumb
    Phoebe Wilcox
    Jan 17, 05:53pm

    Oh my God, it's Martin Luther King day. I have off from work and I'm SUPPOSED to be submitting (bombarding) lit mags and instead I'm on here goofing off. And Susan, I do feel sort of weird and alienated as a writer! Try working in an office and writing on your lunch break for three years straight and then feel how normal and included you feel! Only whackos write on their lunch break for three years straight! But hey, I like being whacko; the other translation of that is DEDICATION.

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