Forum / Interview

  • Image.bedroom.009.expose.thumb
    Ann Bogle
    Nov 08, 12:42pm

    An interview by Russell Bittner with Ann Bogle at a Long Story Short's Poet's Corner:

  • Frankenstein-painting_brenda-kato.thumb
    Sam Rasnake
    Nov 08, 12:53pm

    Enjoyed this interview, Ann. Nice, nice, nice. Especially like your comment about the line between fiction and non-fiction.

  • Image.bedroom.009.expose.thumb
    Ann Bogle
    Nov 08, 01:52pm

    Good to hear, Sam. Russell interviewed me a year ago for Poet's Corner. In that time, the link disappeared for Jeff Hansen's audio interview about my stories at Big Bridge. Jeff says he'll get the mp3 to me. I'll figure out how to post it somewhere.

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    Susan Tepper
    Nov 08, 03:55pm

    Ann, a very good interview-- both of you took risks which made it extremely interesting to read. BTW, your poem that starts with opal eyes is a knockout

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    Kathy Fish
    Nov 08, 04:07pm

    Great, thoughtful, intriguing interview. Thinking about this, this morning: "For me, “the frontier” in so-called experimental writing relates to fact, to memory (how memory is presented), to time (including but not limited to chronology), and to point of view, to narration itself. The musicality, rhythm, and syntax of language also matter." Thanks.

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    Bill Yarrow
    Nov 08, 04:46pm

    Good interview. Enjoyed reading it, learning about you.

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    Darryl Price
    Nov 08, 06:07pm

    You had me at "Poets are “my people,” and I prefer an audience of poets when I give a fiction reading as well"...

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    Cherise Wolas
    Nov 08, 10:20pm

    Ann, this was such an interesting, educational, fascinating interview. Opal Eyes is terrific too. And the whole concept of the 20K prize and what you spun from it.. is a wow.

  • Image.bedroom.009.expose.thumb
    Ann Bogle
    Nov 08, 10:35pm

    Thanks to those of you who read this interview! I'm used to a very fast turnaround time on the internet, and this was one year. I had forgotten about it, then remembered, then wondered if my answers would still hold a year later. The interview came at the suggestion of Russell Bittner. I think he thought I was more of a self-identified poet than I am (though I hope it's clear that poetry is in my blood as a reader).

    The poem "This Is Why I Loved You" and the story "Po-cash" are at Fictionaut.

    Thanks again!

  • Gloriamindock200x274.thumb
    Gloria Mindock
    Nov 19, 04:38pm

    Great and very interesting. Congratulations!

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