Forum / Take Care Everyone

  • Adjani.thumb
    Chris Okum
    Sep 27, 09:26pm

    I will see you all on the other side of this historical dark territory we're about to enter, or I won't. Who knows? It was fun while it lasted, right? It was nice to get to know some of you, and I appreciate all the conversations we have had. Stay as safe as you can and try and show compassion to your friends and neighbors. I know all of you will. Maybe after the smoke has settled and we find that we're still alive we can tell each other stories about what we just went through. I don't think there will really be anything else to talk about. And my kids were just about to apply to college, too. Oh, well. History is a motherfucker. And here it comes.

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    Jeffrey S. Callico
    Sep 27, 09:36pm

    Chris — are you leaving Fnaut?

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    David Ackley
    Sep 28, 02:25pm

    In the words of the recently deceased, and sorely missed Fredric Jameson (more or less) ' We may try to forget history, but we can be sure history won't forget us.'

  • Darryl_falling_water.thumb
    Darryl Price
    Oct 01, 05:41pm

    Chris, you will always be an important part. Your work was fun to read and challenging. I hope you will gift us with more. You made beautiful art here.

    As for the rest of you: I would never deem to tell you who to vote for, but I will ask you to please exercise your right to vote, as part of your freedom to express who you truly are, and what you truly believe in. When you do this, we all benefit. It makes a difference in the overall vibe of the place we call home. Just as everything you think and do does all the time. You are an active part of everything anyway that only needs your cooperation and consent and control to be switched on inside. It's your heart and nobody else's. It's your vote. Your action. Your right. Your say. Let the world hear from you. There is no one who can take your place. Or raise your voice for you. All the choices you make, all throughout the day, are votes for something you wish to see continue and flourish on this earth. My poetry is a vote for truth and beauty, for fun and creativity, for instance. Vote as if your life depends upon it, as if all the things you love depend on you making the right choices when it's your turn to pull the lever, push the button, or close the drawer. It's you who tells you what that is and always will be.

  • Dscf0571.thumb
    David Ackley
    Oct 05, 02:35pm

    mediocrities bloviating for our precious votes the place concurrently cooking and drowning some nuclear clock ticking down from seventeen minutes to ninety seconds and counting billionaires equating cash and a right to world domination illiterate influencers accumulating influencees to dance over the cliff of endless accumulation states competing to rack up their kill counts and what's not to loathe ?

  • Self_portrait.thumb
    eamon byrne
    Oct 10, 12:17pm

    Are we talking of oligarch types, at home and abroad? It's depressing all right. But also predictable. History is full of these pathological arseholes willing to screw everyone else for their short term power rush.  Just because they wipe  their bums with the same paper we all use, and will die of some same disease we all will one day succumb to, doesn't humanize them in the least. They're pure and simple fuckers, these characters, though  granted they have finely honed skills in fooling the rubes with their  weird nation-state shit which they pump out relentlessly through a ludicrous saturation of cheap cellphones;  and  their crooked morality seems so convincing when they  invoke their various iterations of some god they may not have any conviction actually exists, but they do it anyway because hypocrisy serves their evil agendas.

  • Img_20220916_174315_923.thumb
    Jeffrey S. Callico
    Nov 06, 11:57am

    Just like Darryl's poem says -- definitely a dark day.

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