Forum / "Hi, I'm a little FUCK named 'Michael IANELLO' ... !!!"

  • Better.thumb

    "Notice I'm not a SENATOR'S *SON* or anything ... ?? I went to U MASS *BOSTON*, and I've GOT NO *BALLS* — "

    THE *END* —

    "It's a great story — come JOIN us, won't you ... ?? For Nixon's CRAZY, and so was *REAGAN* —

    "Here —

    "On MTV — "

    "Mabel, did you forget to pay the CABLE bill ... ??"
    "No honey — " (yelling from the KITCHEN, natch., where a WOMAN'S *WORK* is NEVER *DOOOOOONE* ... #rollEYES ) " — why??"
    "It's just something WEIRD'S coming through the *mainstream* — " (starts picking his TEETH)
    "Well, why don't you just TiVo the stuff you wanna WATCH, and — "
    "Ah — " (a WAVE of the *HAND*, sudden and *SHOCKING* in its ABRUPT *ACTIVITY* for the usually-SEDENTARY *LEROY*) " — you know that stuff CONFUSES me ... !!!"
    "Besides, all I LIKE are monster-truck RALLIES ... !!!"

    THE *END*, Pt. 2 —

    (another DAY ... )

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