Forum / "Forrest Gump ... is ... an amazing retard!"

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    Chris Okum
    Apr 20, 04:04pm

    Forrest Gump might be the most loathsome big-time Hollywood hit of all time. What a hateful movie. It's a box of shit wrapped with a bow and handed to the audience like a gift. Zemeckis sold his soul with this one, and I say this as someone who loves his first two films, I Wanna Hold Your Hand and Used Cars, two of the great anarchist comedies of all time. I thought he was going to redeem himself with Castaway, but the ending of that film evidenced he really has no shame, and, like Spielberg, is addicted to obscene emotional money shots. Spielberg, Lucas, Zemeckis, Ron Howard, Chris Columbus...these are the men who ruined American movies, because they should have known better. Instead they got into bed with the devil, sucked him off, and got handsomely rewarded for their efforts. If there is an afterlife I hope that when Spielberg and his cohort get there John Casavettes, Robert Altman, and Jonathan Demme all kick their lily-livered asses for what they've done to the medium as a whole. That's my rant. Take care.

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