Forum / The Honorable James Earl Ray is Time Magazine's MAN OF THE YEAR, 1968

  • Angelcity1.thumb
    Chris Okum
    Oct 13, 07:40am

    "They think I'm a hero," Mr. Ray said. "Because I did what all of them wanted to do. I shot that nigger. I shot him dead." Mr. Ray, who is now running for Governor of Tennessee, had no comment when asked about the controversy surrounding a new elementary school in Memphis named after Martin King. "I'm not going to comment on that," Mr. Ray said. "All I can say is that those people better think twice before they do something like that. Because it's not going to sit well with my constituents. I don't think they'll think it's real cute, if you catch my drift. And let me tell you something, my constituents are not people you want to upset." Mr. Ray wore sunglasses to dinner. He said, "My eyes hurt." Mr. Ray ate a baked potato and a hot fudge sundae. He talked about Dirty Harry and advertisements for dildos. He stood up and then he fell down.

  • Mugshotme_(3).thumb
    Mathew Paust
    Oct 13, 07:41pm

    Great ending!

  • Dscf0571.thumb
    David Ackley
    Oct 14, 02:27pm

    Anyone who doubts the existence of pure evil should consider the being,acts and words of Ray.

  • Angelcity1.thumb
    Chris Okum
    Oct 14, 03:50pm

    If it's up to the people who are currently running our government people like Ray will be historically revised and flipped upwards. That's how dangerous these people are.

  • Dscf0571.thumb
    David Ackley
    Oct 14, 08:48pm

    Ah, but those people like Ray have already been ennobled by our esteemed leader as " fine people."*

    See Charlottesville.*

    *See other racist killers.

  • Angelcity1.thumb
    Chris Okum
    Oct 14, 08:54pm

    Oh, yeah, I know, I'm just talking about full-on Stalinist revisionism. If the Dominionists take full control by some historical quirk you can expect a re-writing of American history. What happened in Charlottesville was a just an appetizer.

  • Angelcity1.thumb
    Chris Okum
    Oct 15, 06:59am

    I just realized how crazy I sound. Time to step away from the computer for a while.

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