Forum / The Metalanguage of Evil

  • Adjani.thumb
    Chris Okum
    Aug 20, 11:35pm

    I don't normally do this, but I wanted to link to an amazing short essay by the reclusive artist Cady Noland (her reticence is easily on par with Salinger and Pynchon, and her work is just as important imho), which I think is worth the read, especially as it relates to our current slow motion catastrophe.

  • Mugshotme_(3).thumb
    Mathew Paust
    Aug 21, 04:03pm

    I can understand her proclivity for lying low. According to her essay, society is composed of predators and prey with varying degrees of skill and susceptibility, and nothing in between. She evidently believes this (and I'm not certain I don't.)

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