Self-discovery while reading John Elder Robison's memoir <i>Look Me in the Eye</i>.
If you have to ask then the answer is asshole.
Just kidding, Mat.
Actually, the inability to read and parse meaning during interpersonal contact is endemic right now, as the connective / networked / digital world does not promote nuanced communication. As a matter of fact, it actively denies it, and, as such, people - their brains being plastic and malleable and all - are following suit and adopting the connective way of communication and discarding the conjunctive form that was indicative of a literate, oral form of communication. Hopefully some sort of order will soon be created out of this chaos, maybe in our lifetimes, maybe not. I hope it comes sooner than later and that people can get back to the work of creating art and stop with this memoir / personal confession essay bullshit. Its beyond boring at this point.
Chris, at least my title isn't boring. I agree with your thoughts on the environmental causes. I blame our hyper/cyber/digitalized society for my ADD, too.
In my book John Prine is a prophet.
Hey, y'all... quit being all topical and stuff. Let's put all the chitchat aside and talk about what's really important... me.
Aye Aye, Cap'n James.