Even worse than Century 20 which is the current benchmark for Bad Centuries.
Ha. I thought you had a real estate beef. Then again, I guess you do, the estate being the present. Still, this one has a ways to go before it beats 20, though WWIII might give it a shot.
Oh yeah, the unfolding of the 21st Century is going to make the 20th look like a picnic by the lake. And the 20th was the bloodiest of them all, a total abattoir. And we haven't even started yet. 9/11 was just the starting gun.
And let me add that there are there people who are looking forward to this, adding to the horror of it all. There are so many alienated, lonely sociopaths sitting around just waiting to watch it all happen, the ultimate in entertainment, and that's the scariest part.
Soon as their flat screens and handhelds go dark they will start whining. "Obama's fault" will become their mantra
Chris nails it. The shit will hit the fan. No one will escape the flung shit.
Picking up on what David said ...
Yeah, fuck Century 21.
Aren't they the ones that wear the
butt-ugly yellow blazers?
The Koch bros. and their ilk will escape the flung shit. Being shit themselves they know how to duck.
Or just blend in...