Forum / Bruce Springsteen In A Deleted Scene From The Making Of 'We Are The World'

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    Chris Okum
    Aug 30, 07:27pm

    I think it's a real shame that a child in Africa doesn't get to enjoy a cold Pepsi like children in America do. Growing up in Nebraska, working on the farm, some days it would get so hot, and all you really had to lift your spirits and get you to the end of the day was a cold Pepsi. Now, I had a choice, my Pa, he always gave me a choice, between Coke and Pepsi, and I always chose Pepsi. Don't know why, I just preferred Pepsi. I was a just a child, milking cows and counting eggs, but something about that red, white a blue can really spoke to me. Maybe that's what was missing from Coke. There was no blue. Just the red and white, and I didn't much care for that. So I'm honored to be singing this here jingle. I see nothing wrong with it. As long as that African child can get his hands on that cold Pepsi, I'm all in. As for the naysayers, well, I ain't got no truck with anyone standing in that way of that.

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    Mathew Paust
    Sep 02, 02:31pm

    It's the ree-yall thang...wait, no, that ain't it...

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