Forum / The McBain Curse (a comparison of styles)

  • Mugshotme_(3).thumb
    Mathew Paust
    Sep 27, 07:24pm

    I'm onto something, I think. I think I'm onto why a certain number of the Amazon “customer reviews” for Ed McBain's novels are so negative. There are always a few negative ones posted by readers so disenchanted by whichever McBain novel they've just tried to enjoy they must go on record. One star, two, maybe even three. This is always the case. Always. It's always the case.

    [hooked? good. click for the rest:

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    James Lloyd Davis
    Sep 28, 03:37am

    Haven't read him. I'll correct that.

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    Mathew Paust
    Sep 28, 03:39pm

    He's a lot different than I expected. The Phil Spector of crime novelists.

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