Forum / sorry, rookie question

  • Diana-adams.thumb
    Diana Adams
    Feb 25, 08:17pm

    Hi I have a question, I am writer and want to post my stories on Fictionaut but every time I cut and paste the story format is all wonky. Is there a way to upload the story without cutting and pasting?

    Sorry if this has been addressed before, I googled this and found nothing.

    Diana Adams

  • Diana-adams.thumb
    Diana Adams
    Feb 25, 08:18pm

    I meant copying and pasting of course!

  • Blank_sp.thumb
    Carol Reid
    Feb 25, 08:30pm

    Hi Diana, I don't know of a way to upload a story to retain the formatting, and mine often come out wonky, too.

    One thing you can do is copy and paste, highlight it all, click the red x on the tool bar to remove formatting, then preview the story to see how it's going to look. If something is out of whack you can edit it in the text box then preview it again.

    Maybe someone else has figured out a better way.

  • Diana-adams.thumb
    Diana Adams
    Feb 25, 09:59pm

    Thanks, but nothing is fixing all the glitches. I fix one thing and then all the dialogue goes all strangely spaced. I give up. No Fictionaut for me!

  • Image.thumb
    Charlotte Hamrick
    Feb 25, 11:57pm

    I had problems with my last post, as well, but finally got it to be acceptable.
    Having to put so much effort into posting is aggravating and discouraging.

  • Rebel.thumb
    Sally Houtman
    Feb 26, 05:43am

    Formatting here is nonexistent. Been that way since I arrived in 2011. And I don't see it ever being fixed.

    It's all got to be done manually (space-space-space-curse-start again-space-space-space). And redone. And redone.

    And what appears in the draft box bears only a passing resemblance to the final version.

    Posting things here does, however, force me to look *very* closely at every word and every line, as I space and curse and space and curse.

    So I take a negative and use it to my advantage.

  • Diana-adams.thumb
    Diana Adams
    Feb 26, 04:16pm

    Thanks! Good point. I wish they would fix this problem I've been on the many short story sites that you simply upload your story and it appears as it should be-- the way you intended it to be!

  • Rebel.thumb
    Sally Houtman
    Feb 26, 08:06pm

    I actually find the spacing (of poetry) to center it rather hypnotic (the cursing...not so much...) as I run each line over and over and over in my head to check for rough spots.

    " you simply upload your story and it appears as it should be-- the way you intended it to be!"

    Aaaaaah...what that must be like.


    But if I could do that, I'd just think my work was 'perfect' and not be forced to scrutinize it so intensely in the interest of sharing it. But that's just me.

    But, yeah, formatting *would* be nice.

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